How can Business, Soul + the Body work together?

#Powered by Soul is the distillation of my approach to life, love, body, business, community, spirituality and pretty much everything else that exists.


When you partner with Soul in everything that you do, life takes on a vibrancy that feels technicolour in its perfection. Truly.


Far from being a distant comfort or an abstract spiritual concept, your Soul is omnipresent in every cell of your body - and it has the capacity to shape your life in measurable, tangible ways. Think of your Soul as a fully embodied, magical version of yourself with all the powers of the multiverse at its disposal. 


Now, imagine that everything that exists has its own energetic counterpart. Every flower, every home, every community, every business.


Yes, business. You heard me correctly!


Just like you, your business has its own Soul; a kick-ass, powerful hologram, if you will, of all the potential embedded in its energy field.


Some of you reading this newsletter will be very familiar with this concept of business having its own Soul, but some of you may find it novel or challenging. 


To mark the inauguration of this newsletter series, I'd like to start with a story.


BUSINESS and Soul.


Just before Christmas, I invited some neighbours round for a glass of champagne (into which I added a dram of home-made sloe gin, as well as some artisanal ice cubes studded with pomegranates and sprigs of rosemary. You're welcome).


My neighbour is a veteran businessman, now serving on multiple international boards. As we sipped our champagne, remarking on how much better it tastes when drunk from vintage, flat bottomed glasses, I mentioned that I'd recently commissioned an artist to paint the Soul of my Business.


He laughed. “The Soul of your Business?” he cried, not unkindly.


“Yes! My Business has a Soul! And so does yours!”


This sparked a really interesting conversation. He is open minded and spiritually curious, but this was an entirely new concept for him.


We spent the next 30 minutes feverishly discussing it (to the delight of our partners), using different language but finding much common ground. 


What struck me was that despite coming from different perspectives, we were able to meet in the middle and agree that every business has an intangible ‘vibe’ and an ‘aliveness’ of some kind.


He defined it as ‘culture’, but I would argue that a company's culture isn't the source, but the expression of a company's Soul signature.


But before we get too abstract, let's bring this right down to the fundamentals.


What is Soul?

How can you work with it?

What benefits does it have, in business and beyond?

You're standing on Soul.


The Earth is a living entity that is able to sustain life-forms of all kinds within a highly complex ecosystem of interconnecting elements. To my humble brain, regardless of how self-regulatory these systems appear, there must be an indwelling master intelligence at the helm. A sentient intelligence with its own functions and purposes. I call this a Soul. 


Soul is inside you.


Most of us feel that we have a Soul. Even during heated debates with my scientist brother-in-law, we agree that at the heart of all life-forms exists a life-force which cannot be explained by logic or measurable science. 


If we're able to recognise this life-force within living organisms (grass, flowers, cells) then can we see it in human constructs like cities, communities and causes? 


Collective energy can be felt and sensed (imagine a football match or how it feels to step off the train at London Paddington). I like to think of each entity - whether collective or singular - as having its own guardian. A benevolent counterpart which holds the blueprint for the highest potentiality.


Working with Soul is practical, efficient and powerful.


Your Soul is not a static essence that flies away once you die. It's a very real, very active presence in your physical body and your energy body (which sits around your physical body like an energy field). You can access the frequency, love and guidance of your Soul at any time, simply by asking. 


Furthermore, you can bring more of your Soul's presence into your body, which crowds out all the energetic debris that you've picked up from everyone around you. 


Ever noticed other people's voices, opinions and thoughts rattling around your head? Their beliefs, fears, worries? Yup, that's totally normal. But guess what, you can absolutely learn how to dissolve those and hear your inner voice, your truth and your wisdom.


Being able to cut through the noise, dissolve the detritus and cultivate an unshakeable presence of strength and power makes life a lot more enjoyable, easeful and efficient.


Whether you're self employed, a solopreneur, a CEO or Executive, being able to access the voice of your Soul (and the Soul of your business - more on that next time) is an invaluable skill for every aspect of your professional (and personal) life.


I hope this introduction has stirred your imagination for what might be possible in your own life, if it were #PoweredBySoul.


The What, the How and the Why of Soul Powered Business


What is ‘Sacred Business’?