The What, the How and the Why of Soul Powered Business

This morning, I spent an entire hour immersed in a very deep visualisation sequence. I love the combination of imagination and intention; staying hyper present and focussed within a liminal space. This is the key to working effectively with subtle energy; you need to bring a certain ‘step-by-step’ structure to it.


Nothing brings me more satisfaction than taking a big picture concept and breaking it down into a methodology (whilst remaining flexible, obvs).


I'm currently planning a fun little video project with an amazing filmmaker and, as part of the prep, she asked me to condense ‘soul powered business’ into bullet points.. 😅 (no sweat, I thought, foolishly. Cut to 6 hours later and many hundreds of words deleted…)


It was a really valuable exercise, because it led me right into the heart of what soul powered business is really about. It's important to me, especially in the age of trendy spiritual marketing wizardry, to be able to articulate the nucleus of my work into simple language and relatable concepts.


To me, working energetically on my business is as practical and important as any tangible framework I build. To give you a concrete example, if I'm selling a course, I'm going to spend as much time examining and harmonising my beliefs, stories and unconscious patterns around money as I am writing launch copy and strategising.


Both are important, both are a function of your Soul.


This is the beauty of Soul powered business. You get to heal on the inside while you build on the outside.


Let's focus on that, for a moment.


Soul Powered Business : what is it, how do we do it and why?


Soul Powered Business means aligning your healing and personal growth with your professional development.


We often compartmentalise our life into different boxes: family, health, business, prosperity, creativity, etc. 


The Soul-Powered approach is about cultivating wholeness across the whole ecology of your life. Your relationships, your health and vitality, your creativity and fulfilment, your life purpose, your finances, they are all intrinsically connected. 


As a business methodology, it means placing your Soul’s trajectory as the compass for your professional life and aligning your choices and actions with its unfolding.


How do we learn to work with Soul?


The best way to access the wisdom and guidance of your Soul is through a refined listening of your body. You can then translate that guidance into powerful action in the real world through ‘somatic’ practises, i.e. working from within your body.


You stay present to what is unfolding on the inside and you integrate the healing of it into whatever you're building on the outside.


Let's say your Soul alerts you to the fact that you're carrying unhealed trauma around money through a crunching in your tummy every time you try to price your course. Instead of ignoring the crunch or popping a pepto, you lean into the feeling. You listen. 


It tells you that you're afraid of rejection and that you're scared of releasing your precious creation into the world. You breathe, you explore, you move, you process, you release. There are simple ways to release trauma and there are more intricate, complex things you can do to work on an even deeper level. 


The point is, being willing to heal while you develop professionally is the very definition of Soul powered business. Plus, the more you connect with your Soul, the more you learn how to access its power.


What changes do we experience when we bring our Soul to work?


First and foremost, we learn to be in sovereign relationship with everything around us. We cultivate healthy boundaries, we express more of our authentic selves and we’re able to access our creative potential. 


We take responsibility for our own stuff and we don't waste time and resources on what isn't ours (because, hot tip, your body can't process other people's stuff, so it ends up trapped and looping around pointlessly. Until you release it, which you absolutely can and should do).


Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an employee, working solo or in a team, becoming viscerally aware of where you end and the rest of the world begins - and how to modulate the exchange of energy between the two - is a powerful tool for positively shaping the space around you and a quality of embodied leadership.


Learning how to be present in business with your whole body - not just with your mental capacities - will completely revolutionise not just your experience of it, but the impact your creative contribution has on the world. 


Want to explore this in your own life?


Here's a powerful excercise for you to play with until we meet again. Over the next two weeks, notice how and where you feel sensations in your body while you're actively working on your business. 


Stay hyper attuned to your body and notice every flutter, crunch, tightening, loosening, etc as it comes up. Note what it was that prompted the sensation. Write it down and start to look for patterns. Perhaps you'll notice that every time money comes up, you feel a fluttering in your root. Or maybe you notice yourself ‘shrinking’ when your boss walks in, or when you're speaking with someone you look up to. It's all valuable intel from your Soul.


I'm very curious to hear what you discover, let me know!


How to Shape~Shift Your Life


How can Business, Soul + the Body work together?