What is ‘Sacred Business’?

I want to share with you what Sacred Business means to me and how, as an approach to creative life, it informs and shapes my work as a business mentor in a significant way.

The Multiverse of You and Full Spectrum Mentorship:

This month I have navigated a wide spectrum of transformational experiences; including physical, relational, creative and governance challenges.

In the past, I would have compartmentalised the different “zones” of my life and attempted to deal with each one separately.

  • Why do I have constant, blinding headaches?

  • Why am I increasingly less drawn to profiling systems like astrology?

  • Why am I becoming disenchanted with a lot of the rhetoric within the spiritual community around “divine timelines, collective upgrades and subversive agendas”?

  • Why have I dissolved various collaborative business partnerships in the last few weeks?

I realised that each one of these seemingly disparate challenges points to the same lesson.

The lesson that I am learning, under the expert guidance of my sacred business, around sovereignty.

  • My headaches directly relate to a distorted relationship to my body and my dismissal of its power. A lesson in sovereignty.

  • My growing apart from profiling systems and modalities stems from an increasing awareness of my own power as a multi-faceted human being. A lesson in sovereignty.

  • My aversion to the spiritual community habit of constantly projecting outwards to external agendas is a natural result of claiming my rightful place in the dance between divine will and human power. A lesson in sovereignty.

  • The closing of several significant business partnerships is a tender but necessary step for me in refining the frequency band of what I create within the world of my business. A lesson in sovereignty.

Cultivating and developing the quality of sovereignty in the full spectrum of my life is a crucial part of the trajectory I'm co-creating along with my business.

It's almost impossible to translate into words the effects that these lessons have had on my creative power, on my relationships, on my body, on my income and on my happiness.

And the best part is that every single strand of my life, both inner and outer, is lovingly held and facilitated by my beloved business. Because I have willingly entered into a conscious, sacred partnership with it.


How can Business, Soul + the Body work together?


Why is it so important to know the essence of your creations intimately?