The Frequency of Your Attitude

As we move into this delightful pause at the end of the year, I wanted to share just one powerful truth with you.

This simple truth carries within it a vast reservoir of wisdom and I can't think of a more appropriate time to remember it.

As many of us contemplate the mechanics of how to build and co-create “the New Earth”, we would do well to remember that any kind of new world would depend on raising the frequency of our interactions.

“It is the frequency of your response to your environment that dictates the quality of [your life]”.

This powerful extract from the Gene Keys pretty much sums up everything I stand for.

It is the quality of your response to your environment that has the biggest effect on the quality of your life.

“High frequency” doesn’t mean being free of suffering. It refers to how we engage with the suffering itself.

Here are some questions for self inquiry:

  • Are you taking responsibility for your own Shadow at every moment?

  • Can you allow, accept and embrace that Shadow?

  • Can you acknowledge your own wounding and how it causes you to react to others’ wounding?

  • Are you wiling to unhook from the victim-heavy narrative that we’re being spoon-fed in every single corner of our lives? This template is simply teaching you to find external sources for your pain instead of showing you how to see and heal yourself with honesty and compassion.

All you have to do is be willing to look at your own stuff instead of unconsciously and automatically pointing the finger at everything and everyone for your own pain.

Being willing is all we need to do. The instant our genuine willingness is felt as a true frequency, we shift from fear to love. This is what is called “a Miracle” in A Course in Miracles (one of my favourite metaphysical texts). The willingness to see things differently is our job, the rest is up to God.

Friends, this is an empowering truth.

All we need to do is at least be willing to take responsibility for our own pain.

And the powerful shift from fear to love, as subtle as it may be, is what creates the high frequency response that catalyses an extraordinary process of enlightenment within the body.

In other words, your attitude alone is the key to your transformation.

This is something each and every one of us can do at any moment. Notice when we feel uncomfortable and simply be willing to to see things differently.

I wish you all a peaceful and loving end to the year. I cannot wait to create some fresh lushness with and for you in 2022.


The Art of Anticipation (Alchemising Fantasy into Genius)


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