How to repair your relationship to giving and receiving.

Look at Mother Earth and how the Natural World is set up. It’s a self sustaining system in which everyone and everything works in harmony, giving and receiving, in partnership.

Look at how creatures and plants receive from Mother Earth (without shame, it’s their birthright) and look how they contribute (by just being their natural selves and allowing their innate contributions to express themselves).

Now look at humans. We’ve constructed this whole paradigm based around “earning” money; those who “work harder” make more. We are ashamed of receiving and scared to give. We label our natural urge to express our innate gifts as “careers” and then deny ourselves the chance to express those very gifts because once upon a time a group of people (aka a "society") made up a rule that unless it feels like an effort, it's not going to lead to “success”.

Imagine if overnight we all forgot about all of the constructs we invented, like careers, financial success, 9-5, hierarchy, sales tactics, etc etc. And we just allowed ourselves to walk around naturally expressing our exact genius for the sole purpose of contributing to our fractal, effortlessly receiving in whichever form was most supportive to us, whether it be money, food, services, and we finally allowed our societies to function in harmony with the natural order of things.


The Frequency of Your Attitude