How to be Sovereign on Social Media

My Friends, 

Bon Thursday! What a week it's turning out to be here in Cornwall. Hazy, shimmering meadows, glassy, emerald creeks, bare feet, sundowners and barbecued, freshly caught mackerel.  

Now I'm hurtling to London on the train for my 48 hour city fix with a good few hours of writing time at my disposal.

One of my tasks is to write an inaugural post for my brand new, professionally managed Instagram profile! Yup, I'm back on the socials.

But this time, things will look and feel very different.

Much like my intention with this newsletter series, which is to share useful, tangible and valuable perspectives, tools and practises, my Instagram space will be an honest, clean invitation into the world of my business.

Now. For some of you (especially those who aren't residents of IG or who didn't know or find me on there), this will sound uneventful and bog standard. Surely that's precisely the point of social media? To be a strategic doorway into your business? Absolutely it is. But it usually ends up being far messier and more complex than a simple access point.

My seven years of building a business primarily on Instagram showed me the realities of what tends to happen on there. Simply put, it's a hotbed for 'hungry ghost' syndrome. In traditional Chinese and Buddhist scripture, the Hungry Ghost is a creature driven to distraction by its insatiable desires, destined for a life of torment, endlessly trying to fill a perpetually empty belly…😱

Ok.. so that might be a somewhat dramatic definition (as I wrote it, I remembered my childhood ambition to write a hideously gruesome ghost story) but the core truth of it underpins most social media marketing tactics; albeit often unconsciously.

Hungry Ghost marketing is so normalised, in fact, that I believe it takes a concerted effort - as well as a sincere desire - to unlearn it.

You can uncover Hungry Ghost energetics within multiple different spaces in your business. Your website copy, your sales copy, your course materials, Youtube channel, podcast, company culture, leadership style, your deck, all of it.

You can do this by asking yourself a simple question: Am I speaking to their wholeness from my wholeness? 

This is the basis for Sovereignty. Knowing what makes you whole means you can recognise it another and support them to feel whole themselves. The ability to make someone feel safe on a soul/somatic level is a precious gift.

This doesn't mean you can't ask questions, speak directly to pain, shine a light on distorted energetics and articulate challenging truths. But you can do so from a place of grounded, soul-sourced wholeness.

Whilst this may sound like an impossibly righteous place to reach, it's actually your natural state.

What excites me so much about this work is that there are specific tools and techniques that you can practise every day that help anchor your Soul's presence in your body. The more of your own Soul you can access, the more you become your Soul. Your whole presence changes, inside and out. It can be felt, viscerally, by all those who come into your orbit, physically or remotely.

This is the energetic with which I have decided to rebuild a presence on Instagram and other social media. For me to have come to this decision, I've systematically cleared the energetic imprints, agreements and trauma that lingered in my body from my previous tenure. I've listened to and led my inner-selves through their trepidation and created a robust container of trust and strength, so that no part of me feels ambivalent or conflicted about spending a bit more time online again.

I really look forward to engaging with my online community again and sharing more of the tools and practises that have so radically changed my body and, indeed, my whole life.


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